Select-Your-Gift Employee Recognition - Blog

Employee Points Awards and Recognition

Written by Greg Kern | 02/19/2024

Employee Points Programs - why use them?

The simple answer: Points-based employee reward systems have been consistently proven to WORK!

Research has proven that companies giving regular thanks and recognition to their employees far outperform those that do not.

Plus, higher performing companies actually had almost 30% lower voluntary employee turnover rates.

If regular and frequent recognition is so successful, why aren't more companies doing it?

Usually, it comes down to a feeling it will take too much time, or, not knowing where to begin, or the fear that you may not do it correctly.

First, Rewards and Recognition programs MUST become a priority. If you wait until you have time, it will never get done. We are always too busy. But, you could start small! Start creating your new recognition strategy now by defining a few recognition ideas each week.

Then, check out these, easy-to-use points-based employee rewards and recognition programs offered by Select-Your-Gift that allow you to implement many varied incentive and recognition initiatives all within a single, comprehensive online platform.

A points employee reward system is perfect for companies wanting to provide many different incentives and recognition options to their employees over time. All recognition awards are given as points, which are accumulated in the employee's point-bank, and can be spent immediately, or saved for higher value awards.

Points based employee reward systems are also desired because they're flexible and can be adapted to an organization's changing objectives and requirements. It's easy to add or remove different options for employees to earn points.

On-going program administration is also easy, allowing you to do as much, or as little as you want. For example, the communication module in Select-Your-Gift's Points Platform provides many tools for ongoing communications to keep employees excited about your employee reward system program, and aware of what's new, what's required of them, and what's in it for them.

Employee rewards and recognition programs are all about improving Engagement, and the features of a good Points-Based Platform will help you keep employees motivated and focused on the goals of your program.

Select-Your-Gift's Points Platform is easy to implement, easy-to- manage and easy for your employees to use.

Contact us today for a free Points-Program consultation, and we'll show you how affordable and easy it is to start enjoying the benefits of a comprehensive solution.