Select-Your-Gift Employee Recognition - Blog

New Hire Onboarding Strategies & Tips | Select Your Gift

Written by Greg Kern | 08/29/2014

Onboarding Employees tips | ideas

Onboarding programs don’t have to be elaborate or costly, it’s all about how you onboard employees. These tips can help you get started.

In a Forbes article “Take Onboarding Seriously”, George Brandt says, “You get the employee engagement you deserve. If you want them to contribute, you’ll need direct communication. If you want them to commit to the cause, you must make an emotional connection with them.”

Here's some tips and ideas for your onboarding strategy:

Make it formal - At the executive level, the CEO can invite new hires to a dinner and/or a reception. The purpose of this onboarding tip is to make sure that management is involved during the initial process and on-going, on a day to day level.

Know your associates - Managers can direct and nurture the employee’s career development to improve productivity and motivate them, making the associate happier during the length of their employment by getting to know them and communicate with them regularly.

Have a mentor - A great way to make the new associate feel comfortable and assured is by having a support system to gain advice and to show them the “ins and outs” of day-to-day operations and what is expected of them. This onboarding tip works best on the peer level utilizing a more experienced co-worker.

Show your appreciation - Not only are handwritten notes and verbal praise from management and supervisors are a great form of onboarding strategies but also consider onboarding gifts such as pens, pins, and key rings. Also consider the use of short term milestone awards at three months, six months, and/or one year (depending on your culture).

Short-term milestone awards do not need to be expensive, it’s the thought that counts. Remember this when thinking of your onboarding strategies. Within our Employee Service Anniversary Award Program, we offer very low cost service milestone award packets for "early service recognition". Each gives recipients a choice of their own onboarding gift.

To find out more about how you can recognize your new associates with a cost-effective onboarding solution, please visit