Motivation sign with smiling employees from Select Your Gift.

Safety Awards for Employees

How to Motivate Workplace Safety

Using Safety Recognition to create a safe and productive workplace

While safety education and other safety initiatives are essential to creating a safe work environment, if employees are not motivated, and do not "buy-in" to your safety goals, nothing will change. For real change to occur, employees must be inspired and motivated.

Here are some tips to get started:


Safety Education:

Your classes should not only inform employees about safe practices, the education should be structured in a way that makes them feel you are actually concerned about them.

Safety Suggestion Awards:

Employees should be encouraged to inform management about any safety issues they see, without the fear of any form of retribution for "speaking up". One way to do this is to offer awards for suggestions addressing specific safety concerns, and if possible, add this to your company's exiting Employee Suggestion Program.

Safety Recognition Awards:

Define multiple ways for employees to earn awards. Include personal safety education goals, longer term goals based on team and/or personal safety records, and Spot Awards to be given by managers on-the-spot when they see employees working safely.


As you plan your Safety Recognition program,
consider the following easy to use Award Options:

See each award option below, and when to use each:

Gift catalog and congratulations award from Select Your Gift.

Gift Catalog Safety Award packets:

Gift-of-Choice Award Packets are perfect awards when pre-defined safety milestones are achieved, or for individual or team-based achievements.

Each award packet can be customized with your personal message and company logo, congratulating the safety achievement. Includes an awards catalog (plus online award redemption) for the tier-level packet you have chosen. Details: Gift Catalog Packets

Safety awards from Select Your Gift

SPOT Awards for Safety Recognition:

SPOT Awards packets are ready-to-go, gift-of-choice awards. This is the preferred solution for On-the-Spot, or Caught-in-the-Act safety recognition. Just like our Gift Catalog Award packets, these are tier-level based and everything is included. Simply choose the level to use for each award.

Spot Award recipients can immediately redeem their award online. Choose from many pre-designed themes, or we'll help you create your own theme design. Keep a supply on-hand to instantly reward employees.

Details: Spot Awards

Points based awards programs from Select Your Gift.

Points-Based Safety Recognition Program:

Consider a Points-Based program for a more comprehensive and flexible safety incentive and award program. A points based program is the best solution when employees have multiple opportunities to earn points for various safety related activities and achievements.

Employees can earn points for attending safety training, reaching safety related milestones, or for being "caught in the act" of being safe in the workplace.

Points are awarded by adding them to the employee's point bank. Points can be accrued, and are redeemable from a large selection of great awards.

Details: Points-Based Programs

For all your recognition needs, from Employee Service Awards to Employee Holiday Gifts, Select-Your-Gift has easy-to-use solutions to help.

Get started today!

Call now to talk to a Recognition Specialist
call 630-954-1287  (M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CST),

Use the form below to request FREE information.


Close-up of employees shaking hands.

Get Free Info & Employee Award Packet

Use the form below to request your free information package, sent via UPS. It will include:

  • Sample Employee Safety Award Packet
  • Sample Gift-of-Choice Catalogs
  • Pricing, order forms, and how to get started

  Send me Info  

Send Employee
Recognition Information

Use this form to request your free information package, sent via UPS. It will include:

*  Sample Employee Award Packet
*  Sample Gift-of-Choice Award Catalogs
*  How to customize Presentation Packets
*  Pricing, order forms, and how to get started.