
For Your Request

A Package will be
sent by US Mail

Your Request for Information has been received.

Your information and samples package will arrive shortly via US Mail, 

Also, Please check your email. You should have already received a confirmation email showing your request and our contact information.

For immediate assistanceplease contact us today. 

We're available by phone or email to answer any questions and provide fast, personal service to help you get started.

Guide to starting Employee Service Recognition programsAn email will also be sent to you with a link to download this free resource.

You can also DOWNLOAD the Guide to starting your Service Recognition Program now!

When planning a new Employee Service Award Program, or updating an existing one, this FREE Guide will provide practical program advice.

You may also be interested to see the helpful articles in our BLOG. You'll find information on Service Awards, Employee Engagement, Employee Recognition, Points-Based solutions, and much more.

For all your employee recognition needs, from Service Awards or Points-Programs, to Employee Holiday Gifts, Select-Your-Gift has easy-to-use solutions to help.


Select-Your-Gift will work closely with you to develop the best recognition solution for your needs.