
Early Service Recognition -
Employee Service Awards

Embracing Early Service Recognition -
A Modern Approach to Employee Milestones


Introduction to Early Service Recognition

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workforce, recognizing employees' early milestones is becoming increasingly important. Early Service Recognition refers to the practice of acknowledging service achievements that occur before traditional five-year anniversaries. This modern approach caters to the changing demographics and expectations of the workforce, particularly as companies face the challenge of retaining talent in a fast-paced professional environment.


The Shift Toward Earlier Recognition

The demographic shifts and evolving job tenure patterns, especially among Millennials born between 1977 and 1997, indicate a trend where few expect to stay in a single role for more than three years. Data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Multiple Generations @ Work Survey highlight that 91% of Millennials plan to switch jobs frequently.

Due to this trend, early service recognition not just a nice-to-have, but a strategic necessity. Recognizing employees as early as the completion of the onboarding process, or at one, two, or three-year anniversaries, is now a critical component of a comprehensive Employee Service Award Program.


Why Early Recognition Matters

Early service recognition helps to address the quick turnover tendencies by showing appreciation early and often, encouraging employees to stay longer. The cost of replacing an employee can be substantial—up to 150% of their annual salary, according to a Society for Human Resources Managers (SHRM) survey. In this context, the investment in early recognition awards is minimal compared to the potential costs associated with employee turnover.


Cost-effective Recognition Solutions

employees-celebrate-service-recognitionImplementing early milestone awards does not have to be costly. The value lies in the recognition itself, which can be effectively communicated through thoughtful awards, with gifts the employee can choose for themselves.
YOS-Catalog-350Such gestures help instill a sense of belonging and value, significantly enhancing employee motivation and retention.
See how Award-of-Choice Recognition packages can fit into your budget.


Continuing the Conversation on Service Milestones

service-award-types-stacked-earlyThis discussion on early service recognition sets the stage for a broader examination of Employee Service Milestones, including detailed insights into each category of recognition from onboarding and early service, to long-term service anniversaries and retirement recognition.
On the following pages, we will look into each category of Employee Service Milestones, describing how each can be seamlessly integrated into your Employee Service Recognition Program - beginning with the completion of new-hire On-boarding.

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  Service Recognition Milestone categories           Onboarding recognition

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  • Sample Employee Service Award Packet
  • Gift-of-Choice Gift Catalog
  • Pricing, order forms, and how to get started

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Use this form to request your free information package. It will include:

*  Sample Employee Service Award Presentation
*  Sample Gift-of-Choice Award Catalogs
*  Service Award Presentation Options 
*  Pricing, order forms, and how to get started.