
Making Recognition Exciting

Get Management excited about Employee Recognition

applause-recognitionOne of the most important elements of your corporate recognition strategy  - is to get Managers excited and involved.  

To achieve the desired results with continual employee recognition, you must communicate to Everyone, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Leadership is responsible for communicating your strategy, and to keep it in front of all employees.

It’s surprising that many employees are often not even aware their company has a recognition program. One study found that while 75% of companies studied had recognition programs, half of their employees did not know they existed.

You put a lot of time, effort and resources into defining your culture of recognition strategy. Now it's time for the next step! Everyone, managers and employees, need to know they exist, and are being implemented.

Tips to create excitement for Recognition!

Excitement for recognition starts at the highest levels of management

Direct Managers will only get excited about implementing your strategy for Continual Employee Recognition if the executive management team is excited about it. Managers also need to be provided with clearly defined guidelines and support.

Get MANAGER’s excited about recognizing their employees, and see its value:

Direct-managers are the biggest employee engagement and performance leaders. These managers are critical to the effective use of continual recognition to help achieve improved engagement and performance levels.

In companies considered the top places to work at, you'll find direct managers who continuously recognize employees and consider every employee as being valuable, and that each employee has an impact on the organization.

Recognition is something every manager can and should do, every day. Every acknowledgement they provide doesn’t have to cost a lot, or even take much time. Often, a simple, personal thank you is all that is needed to recognize a job well done.

Executive management should define Frequent-Recognition award-options for managers to use, such as: time off, come in late tomorrow, leave early today, dinner tickets for two, birthday cards, spot award cards, Thank You note cards, or awards using gift catalog award packets that give the recipient an award of their choice.

Get EMPLOYEES Excited about Recognition – make them aware of what you're doing and why!

Communicate information about your recognition programs to employees. Let them know recognition is an important part of your corporate strategy. Write articles on it for your company newsletters, post information at the office, and talk about it at your meetings.

Let employees know what is expected of them. Describe the various types of recognition available, and how they can get it. Give employees specific goals, and provide any training or resources needed to achieve them. Ask for their feedback and suggestions of how they can be even more effective and successful.

Recognize employees in public settings whenever possible, such as company or unit meetings with their peers. Use these occasions to build excitement by putting the spotlight on the employee being recognized. Having high level leaders or direct managers doing the recognition is very important. It also helps when the award presentor shares details about the recognition and adds personal comments. The small amount of time it takes for leaders to show appreciation can yield long lasting impressions on employees.

Starting-Employee-RecognitionReady to get your Recognition Program started? 

Contact Us Today - We make recognition EASY.

Call to talk to a Recognition Specialist
630-954-1287  (M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CST),

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Select-Your-Gift will send an information packet, and will work closely with you to develop and manage efficient, effective and cost-saving recognition solutions.

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Employee Recognition Solutions

Use this form to request your free information package, sent via UPS. It will include:

*  Sample Employee Award Presentation Packet
*  Sample Gift-of-Choice Award Catalogs
*  How to tailor Recognition Award Presentations
*  Pricing, order forms, and how to get started.

You'll receive information useful for a range of solutions - from a comprehensive online Points-based program, to Gift of Choice award catalog packets with your message and logo printed on selected themed stationery.