Holiday Gifts for Staff | Company Holiday Gifts

Posted on 10/24/2014 in Employee Holiday Gifts

Avoid these Employee Holiday Gift Mistakes

The holiday season presents a unique challenge for employers. It is a wonderful opportunity to give holiday gifts to your staff and show end of year appreciation, yet it is filled with questions:

Do we give everyone the same gift? What gifts are appropriate? What kind of gift will be appreciated? Will the gift send the intended Thank-You message?

Read on to see some of the common mistakes in gift giving, and an easy solution to the perfect gift for everyone.

Mark Repkin of the Incentive Research Foundation detailed the top five mistakes with employee holiday gifts.

Here are the Top Five Employee Gift Giving Mistakes

#1: Just Do nothing

If there is ever a time to show appreciation and to give a unique Christmas gift to your staff, this is it. Don’t eschew this annual morale-boosting, company-bonding opportunity.

#2: Don’t waste your time

Don’t drown in catalogs or invite a flood of email offers in your search for the perfect employee gift. You don’t have the time or energy to succeed in a task that will prove impossible unless you have an office population that numbers less than five.

#3: Achieving little or no memory value

Skip cash or gift cards, or something so universal that it is generic. A company holiday gift that will fit an employee’s lifestyle and unique tastes will be the most memorable.

#4: Including the price tags

Miss Manners will have your head if you broadcast what dollar value you put on your appreciation of your team (this is another good reason to skip the cash or gift cards). Not only will a revealed cost affect your employees’ perception of you, it can also set up unrealistic expectations for future company holiday gifts.

#5: Assuming one size fits all

A smart manager carefully recognizes diversity in the workforce with gift options that allow employees to choose their own gifts. By giving your staff the holiday gift of choice, you are not only showing appreciation for their efforts but also celebrating their unique personalities and contributions.

This year, when it’s time to come up with the perfect employee holiday gift ideas, be a savvy boss and consider a thoughtful, time-saving, stress-free option that allows each employee to determine his or her own perfect gift.

Select-Your-Gift's offers a large, very nice Holiday Gift Packet for Employees, that can be personalized with your message - and company logo. It includes a large gift catalog (with online redemption), presenting each recipient with an array of gifts in your predetermined price range from which they can select a memorable acknowledgement of your appreciation.

For more information on a customizable holiday gift program for your company, see Select-Your-Gift’s Holiday Gifts for Employees . Better, simply click below and we'll send you a sample to see for yourself!

Get a Free  Employee Christmas Gift  Sample Packet & Info sent to you