Safety Programs for Employees | Safety Incentives

Posted on 05/12/2014 in Safety Programs and Awards

National Safety Month - employee safety programs

Spot Awards for SafetyAccording to an OSHA article on the value of a Safety Program, businesses are spending $170 Billion a year on costs related to occupational injuries and illnesses.

However, it been shown that companies that establish safety programs for employees and recognition programs can reduce these costs by 20 to 40 percent!

Read more to see how to get started.

With a weakened economy and safety costs on the rise, companies are looking for ways to reduce the number of claims involving work place injury. There is no better time than NOW for companies to start making a change in their safety record.

In 2008 the federal government recognized June to be National Safety Month as a means to encourage personal safety whether at work, on the road, or in the home.

Posting safety rules, organizing monthly meetings, and employee training are first steps implemented by most companies to reduce workplace injuries. These are great techniques, but if you really want employees to change their habits and take workplace safety seriously, provide safety incentive programs and rewards for improved safety performances.

Safety Recognition programs for employees help motivate and inspire employees to practice safe behaviors as well as reward individuals and teams who reach pre-defined safety milestones through-out the year. Rewarding employees who show leadership and think outside the box when it comes to safety is also very effective. Whether they encourage other co-workers by initiating peer-peer safety conversations or bringing attention to hazardous conditions, rewarding this behavior through workplace safety programs will reduce your company’s injury costs.

If your company has not yet implemented a safety incentive program that creates a safe work environment while reducing unwanted costs, recognizing June as National Safety Month is a great reason to start now.

Contact Select-Your-Gift so we can help you work toward creating a safe workplace that all your employees can enjoy.

(see more about Employee Safety Awards here)